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Thinking about your business as a character and why it matters…

Human stories 

Stories are a big part of human existence, from the beginning of time, stories have been shared. Humans understand the characters in the stories because of the personalities they display. Characters might include: the hero, the villain, the caregiver, the rebel, the joker, the dreamer etc.

Audiences connect with human character personas not products and services.


Do you want your audience to identify your brand as a friend or maybe a leader? A mother or a maiden? This needs to be clear from the moment your brand is presented.

You have small snippets of time to share your brand story with your audience, so the key is to make the character as easy to recognise as possible.

Your brand personality isn’t YOUR personality or your teams personality.

Your exercise:

Start brainstorming, write down as many adjectives as you can that help you envision your brand as a character. Consider words that conjure up an image of a person. 

You might think, personal and friendly or corporate and professional. Helpful, luxurious, rugged or calm, careful thinking or spontaneous?

How this helps:

These descriptive words are used to help a designer create a brand identity system that reflect these characteristics.

Let’s say your brand had the personality traits: adventurous, brave, bold, decisive and confident. We could attribute visual elements to reflect this. A designer would implement typefaces and colour and imagery to communicate these traits to your audience.

Your turn!

Write down 5-10 adjectives that start to create a personality for your brand.


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